The History of TKU 熊本ジュニアゴルフ塾
The History of TKU Kumamoto Junior Golf School
The TKU Kumamoto Junior Golf School was launched in 1993 with the aim of developing world-class golfers.
Professional golfer Nobuhiro Sakata served as principal of the school and with other coaching staff instructed for 23 years,
all as volunteers.
TKU was also instrumental in covering such expenses as course and range fees as well as equipment costs.
Eventually 28 students became professionals with promising careers.
【1期生】古閑美保 紫垣綾花 深堀昌之 松村瞳 成田いずみ 中内豪 吉崎千晃 佐藤祐樹 和足哲也 【2期生】笠哲郎
【3期生】青山加織 【4期生】上田桃子 笠りつ子 井芹美保子 【5期生】土肥功留美 有村智恵 田中美弥子 下村樹美 大津くるみ
【6期生】枝尾あかね 【8期生】小竹莉乃 豊永志帆 【9期生】木下康平 豊永大誠 【14期生】宮崎乙実
The Junior Golf School, which drew to a close in 2016, was administered by TKU with belief in the importance of social
contributions by local TV broadcasters.
TKU continues to support professional golfers from Kumamoto and currently sponsors professional golfer Rio Takeda
(affiliated with Yamae Group Holdings) from Koshi City in central Kumamoto Prefecture.